gruppenausstellung zum hamburger architektur sommer 2019 -
100 jahre bauhaus neue einheit video, installation, malerei, zeichnung
und webarbeiten von suse itzel, simone karl,
nicole kiersz, buffy klama und inga kruse
am sa, 15. juni ab 19 uhr ausstellung vom 16. bis 29. juni 2019 im öffnungszeiten:
do. bis sa. 17 bis 20 uhr
und nach vereinbarung
buffy klama(yk) was born in heidelberg, germany. she studied architecture in karlsruhe and berlin (university of the arts). after her diploma in architecture she continued her studies at the udk berlin. leaving architecture she (ab)used her rapidograph (=ink-pencil to produce architectural drawings) to draw anything, but engineering drawings – she then preferred motives like cows, horses or other animals and soon she discovered engraving as another technique to create lines. she scratched not only into copper plates but also into articles of daily use like packing materials, cds, plastic tiles or other rubbish. etching and drawing is one – but probably the most important one – of her methods of artistic production. others are trick film, photography, painting.......
or whatever she will come across.
since 1999 she had many group and solo exhibitions, mostly in germany, but also e.g. in bulgaria, kirgistan and lately in england. she also collaborated with different artists and groups. the exhibition sites vary from artist- run galleries, official buildings, self-initiated project-locations, galleries and museums.